Iskalni zadetki
V tem vikiju lahko stran »It Is Me Here« ustvarite! Glejte tudi zadetke iskanja.
- material exist be it as bad, good or even great, matter though is not all that it seems and much deceitful as to its state. So here Goldinski, the untamed...96 KB (16.457 besed) - 11:59, 3. maj 2015
- sky and the time of the forgotten city, it seems to me, instantly and without any shame, that my home is here and as the warriors and knights I look at...58 KB (9.899 besed) - 12:26, 22. maj 2019
- Sonora. "Boy, I'm living!" he wrote. "Everybody here hates work. People here are wise without knowing it. I'm getting younger. Don't say anything to Agnes...37 KB (6.703 besede) - 13:03, 3. oktober 2022
- Vsakdanjost (razdelek Umila me je neka čudna rosa)They got a lot of ice and snow here Half as cold as all the people I’ve found Every way I try to go here seems to bring me down I’ve seen about enough to...75 KB (12.062 besed) - 01:35, 11. september 2016
- oil for about 1/4 hour, watching that it does not burn. Add a pint and a half water, and simmer untill the meat is tender. Add 3 lbs. canned tomato paste...135 KB (23.498 besed) - 10:45, 26. maj 2011
- ci—si- - f S- <g -g. — g^ It Tej šmer-ti si vso muč po - bil, vse ver - ne v' ne-bu per - pra - vil. Na 1=* ^^ 1^ g g g^^ ^ ig=^ is=g: -g-- des - ni - ci...733 KB (117.639 besed) - 05:12, 8. september 2011
- septembra, smo ob sedmih zvečer sedeli okoli radia, kar smo zaslišali tole: »Here follows the best news of the whole war: Italy has capitulated.« Italija je...1,41 MB (258.739 besed) - 20:08, 15. junij 2024
- V, c. lo, pars 19 (Muratori, SS. rer. It., XII, 90): „Hoc tempore schisma maximura in Venetia et Liguria et Is tria exortum est, quia Macedonius Aquilegiensis...1,19 MB (183.772 besed) - 19:23, 7. november 2010