Lep je

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Lep je
Mojiceja Podgoršek
Spisano: Pretipkala iz Mojiceja Podgoršek 2009, Martina Ravnikar.
Dovoljenje: To delo je objavljeno s pisnim dovoljenjem avtorja, pod pogoji licence CreativeCommons Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 3.0.
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LEP JE OBLAK, ker nam podari dež.
Beautiful is a cloud, it gives us rain.

LEP JE DEŽ, ker napoji zemljo.
Beautiful is the rain, it waters our soil.

LEP JE MOJ DEŽNIK, ker poskrbi, da se ne zmočim.
Beautiful is my umbrella, it keeps me dry.

LEP JE MOST, ker mi pomaga prečkati reko.
Beautiful is the bridge, it helps me cross the river.

LEP JE DAN, ker sije sonce.
Beautiful is daytime, it gives us light.

LEP JE MESEC, ker razsvetli noč.
Beautiful is the moon, it brightens the night.

LEP JE MOJ OČKA, ker me ima rad.
Beautiful is my daddy, because he loves me.

LEP JE MOJ DEDEK, ker mi prebere pravljico.

Beautiful is my grandpa, he reads stories to me.

LEP JE PISMONOŠA, ker mi prinese pismo.

Beautiful is the postman, he delivers a letter.

LEP JE STOL, ker na njem lahko sedim.

Beautiful is a chair, it gives me support.

LEP JE MOJ KUŽA RUNO, ker me pogreša, kadar me ni.

Beautiful is my little puppy Runo, he misses me when I'm away.

LEP JE MOJ KONJIČEK MAKS, ker me prenaša na svojem hrbtu.

Beautiful is my little pony Max, he carries me on his back.

LEP JE ŠOPEK ROŽ, ker razveseli mojo mamico.

Beautiful is a bouque, it makes my mommy happy.

LEP JE NAŠ AVTO, ker nas popelje na izlet.

Beautiful is our car, it takes us on a trip.

LEP JE TRAVNIK, ker na njem rastejo rože za mojo mamico.

Beautiful is the meadow, it gives me flowers form my mommy.

LEP JE GOZD, ker greva z dedkom tja na sprehod.

Beautiful is the forest, I can go there with my grandpa for a walk.

LEP JE NAŠ VRT, ker se na njem lahko igram.

Beautiful is our backyard, it gives me place where I can play.

LEP JE PRAZNIK, ker povabimo prijatelje.

Beautiful is a holiday, we invite our friends over.

LEP JE KLOVN, ker nas nasmeji.

Beautiful is a clown, he makes us laugh.

LEP JE OTROK, ker ga nič ne skrbi.

Beautiful is a child, he/she is free from care.

LEP JE SVET, ker je na njem toliko različnih ljudi.

Beautiful is the world, there are so many different people.

LEP JE MOJ DOM, ker ga imam!

Beautiful is my home, because I have one.